And what does inconsistency ultimately lead to?
Repeatedly poor performance…
And a significant jump in injury.
It’s no wonder 33% of amateur golfers report constant back pain during their swings…
And why over 55% of professional golfers experience back pain and soreness.
The thing is, hitting a golf ball with power and accuracy is about simplicity.
And it’s no fun when you don’t know where the ball will end up…
Or when you experience excruciating pain after each shot.
But it’s this ideology that’s negatively impacted millions of golfers across the country.
In fact, according to the USGA these techniques led to over a 30 year gap where handicaps never improved.
Not only that, but look at it this way…
Tiger Woods is considered to be the most successful golfer in the modern era…
But which traditional Tiger swing was the most effective?
The one that won him the most majors or the one that completely tore up his knee?
The same thing can be said for Jack Nicklaus who some say was the greatest golfer of the 20th century…
But ended up needing hip replacement surgery from the wear and tear his conventional swing technique caused him!
My point is, because of the complicated motion conventional golf instruction teaches…
More often than not it results in a significant lack of improvement in the game you love...
While putting yourself at risk of one bad swing ending your time on the links.
Again, the problem isn’t that you aren't flexible enough…
Or your body is too old…
The problem is that you as well as most everyday golfers haven’t been given the right information communicated in the right way.
This is the reason meeting Moe Norman ended up becoming the best thing to ever happen to my golf career…
Because with his eccentric way of making impact with the golf ball…